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HOW TO USETake this medication by mouthusually 2 to 4 times daily or as directed by your doctor.The dosage and length of treatment is based on your medical condition and response to treatmentDosage is also based on your weightDo not increase your dosetake it more frequentlyor take it for a longer time than prescribed.Take this medication regularly to get the most benefit from itTo help you remembertake it at the same times each day.Tell your doctor if your condition persists or worsens.

Cases of overdosage of Cyklokapron have been reportedBased on these reportssymptoms of overdosage may be gastrointestinale.gnauseavomitingdiarrheahypotensivee.gorthostatic symptomsthromboembolice.garterialvenousembolicneurologice.gvisual impairmentconvulsionsheadachemental status changesmyoclonusand rash.

Avoid concomitant Factor IX complex concentrates or Anti-inhibitor Coagulant concentratesincreased risk of thrombosisDo not mix with solutions containing penicillin or with blood products.

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cyklokapron tranexamic acid is a member of the miscellaneous coagulation modifiers drug class and is commonly used for bleeding disorder, factor ix deficiency and hemophilia a.

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