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Zestril may be used as monotherapy or in combination with other classes of antihypertensive therapysee sections and 5.1

This product may increase your potassium levelsBefore using potassium supplements or salt substitutes that contain potassiumconsult your doctor or pharmacist.

Swallow the tablet with a drink of waterTry to take your tablets at the same time each dayIt does not matter if you take Zestril before or after foodKeep taking Zestril for as long as your doctor tells you toit is a long term treatmentIt is important to keep taking Zestril every day.

Lisinopril may rarely cause seriouspossibly fatalliver problemsGet medical help right away if you have any symptoms of liver damagesuch asnausea/vomiting that doesn’t stoploss of appetitestomach/abdominal painyellowing eyes/skindark urine.

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